Disbursements (1992-2020): Please note that ASHRAYA has gone through transitional funding stages. From 1992 to 2008, we were a pure funding organization of projects run by other organizations in INDIA. In 2008, we became a PRIME executor of one main project initiative (My Sensorium – originally called Project Terra Firma). From 2008 to 2011,  we used 70% of our funds towards My Sensorium and 30% of funds towards funding projects run by other organizations (based on past commitments). Since 2014, we have stopped funding projects by other organizations and use 100% of funds raised for My Sensorium.:

The table below shows ASHRAYA’s disbursements to beneficiary organizations since inception in 1992 up to and inclusive of 2020. Some salient points to note:

  1. Total disbursements in the years 1992-2020 is $375,200 out of which $24,313 is pass-through funding (Beneficiary organization specific funds passed through ASHRAYA) and $350,887 is direct funding (Project specific funds directly disbursed to beneficiary organizations)
  2. The $350,887 worth project funding includes joint funding from partner organizations (AIF in the years 2003-2006, OPEN INDIA every year since 2014) worth $97,912
  3. Organization was in hiatus from 1996 to 1998 since the founder was doing his MBA
  4. The numbers shown below do NOT include one-time funds raised and disbursed for Tsunami Relief in the years 2004-05. We collaborated with ARIBA (where the founder-president is employed) and AIF for a double matching program for Tsunami Disaster Relief. We also worked with ARIBA to nominate AIF as one of the four recipients of ARIBA’s Tsunami Disaster Relief Fund; and with AIF to ensure that they would also match ARIBA’s contribution dollar for dollar; thus effectuating 4:1 contribution leverage. As part of this arrangement, ARIBA contributed $31,000 towards Tsunami Disaster Relief in March 2005 (1/4th of its employees’ contributions + 100% match). With AIF’s matching contribution, this led to a total contribution of $62,000 towards Tsunami Relief; in addition, we also raised $6,952 on our own and donated to AIF in FY04
  5. ASHRAYA does not have any overheads because the founders absorb all operating expenses
  6. We keep very low balances in ASHRAYA’s accounts (typically $1,000 by year end), since all donations are used for disbursements in the same year.
  7. Average  project funding in the last 10 years (2011-2020) has been $14,292 per year
  • Year Pass Through Funding1 Direct Funding2 Partner Funding3
    1992 1500
    1993 2,500
    1994 2,500
    1995 2,500
    1996 3,500
    1997 Hiatus
    1998 Hiatus
    1999 2,300 3,300
    2000 3,400 6,900
    2001 5,000 7,600
    2002 5,922
    2003 2,450 7,129
    2004 5,000 30,110 15,828
    2005 5,962 32,469 18,522
    2006 201 19,489 9,662
    2007 11,943
    2008 10,079
    2009 7,326
    2010 9,192
    2011 8,232
    2012 12,952
    2013 8,579
    2014 3,546 7,700
    2015 6,787 7,700
    2016 5,984 7,700
    2017 5,284 7,700
    2018 9,869 7,700
    2019 13,987 7,700
    2020 13,796 7,700
    Totals4,5 24,313 252,975 97,912
  1. Beneficiary organization specific funds passed through ASHRAYA
  2. Project specific funds directly disbursed to beneficiary organizations
  3. Funding provided by partner funding organizations (AIF) for specific projects (included in Direct Funding)
  4. All overhead expenses absorbed by founders
  5. Year end balances always managed to be around $1,000

Fund Sources: In the recent past, ASHRAYA has relied on the following fund sources:

  1. Funds raised on behalf of beneficiary organizations through sales of materials made by the physically challenged (e.g. handicraft items made by the visually challenged)
  2. Project-specific funds from larger fund-raising organizations like OpenINDIA, Heart and Hand for the Handicapped (HHH) and America-India Foundation A(IF)
  3. Family and Friends
  4. Personal Funds of the Founders (Vasuki Subbarao & Jayanthi Rajagopal)
  5. ASHRAYA has not solicited funds from the general public (through fliers) nor through fund-raising events in the past. The table below shows the funds generated from various sources since inception.
    Funding Source Amount, $
    Pass-through Donations (for Specific Organizations) 24,313
    Joint Funding from larger Funding Organizations (HHH,AIF) 97,912
    Founders, Chief Patron & Individual Donors 252,975
    Total Funds Raised 375,200