In this page you find links to great videos on nature and science. You should watch as many of these videos as possible on your own at your leisure. Once you re done you should submit an essay on at least two videos. Each essay should be written in Kannada or English and should not be more than 2 pages long. The essays should have the following sections:

  1. Introduction (i.e. what is the video about)
  2. Description (i.e. describe the contents in the video)
  3. Learnings (i.e. what did you learn from the video)
  4. Feedback (i.e. what did you think about this video – was it good or was it bad, do you agree or not agree)
  5. Open Questions (i.e. what questions does this video lead to, that might need investigation and answers)

Enjoy the videos

Documentaries on Nature on BBC

Documentary on the great migration on wilder bees in Africa

Documentary on ants

Documentary on the Amazon jungle

Documentary on chimpanzees: